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First Visit

The Initial Appointment

We would like to thank you for your confidence in selecting us to consider your child’s dental needs. Our office is designed for your child’s comfort, and we will devote ourselves to making the visits here a very positive experience.

dental-office-icon-clipart-1Our normal office procedure is to give your child a thorough oral examination on the first visit. This examination will include a careful visual evaluation of the teeth and oral tissues and those X-rays deemed necessary for a complete diagnosis and evaluation of the developing teeth and jaws. A dental prophylaxis cleaning may be performed, if warranted. We introduce children to dentistry with terms they can relate to according to their age: terms like “count” for examination and “taking pictures” for X-rays, etc. For the child patient, this “easy approach” serves as a good orientation and is a desirable introduction to dentistry.

Your scheduled appointment time has been reserved specifically for you. We request 48-hours notice if you need to cancel your appointment. We are aware that unforeseen events sometimes require missing an appointment. After missing your second appointment without notifying us 48 hours in advance, you may be charged an additional fee.


Our consultation with you will follow your child’s examination. If you have any special concerns, please alert us of them before the exam. The following information will be discussed with you after our exam.

  • Any dental problems your child may have, their causes and further prevention.
  • Treatment recommendations, if any are required.
  • Answers to any questions you may have regarding your child’s dental health.

If your child is suffering from a toothache, treatment can sometimes be started at the initial appointment. Please inform an assistant of any problems.

Download the First Visit Forms